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That's the lesson of the history of violence
in Chicago since the rise of heavily-armed,
drug-dealing street gangs in the 1960's.
That's the lesson of the history of violence
in Chicago since the rise of heavily-armed,
drug-dealing street gangs in the 1960's.
chicago's #1 (and most underused)
public safety resource
in chicago, peoplenow accept wartime levels of violence as permanent, even natural facts of chicago life, like brutal chicago winters.
have demoralized police.alienated chicagoans from each other. and from city hall.and criminalized three generationsof young chicagoans ever SINCE RISEOF CHICAGO'S HEAVILY-ARMED, DRUG-DEALING,YOUTH-VICTIMIZING STREET GANGS IN THE 1960' we're counting fast to four generationslost to senseless violence. city leaders areat a loss about what to do next. there's noend to violence even remotely in sight.
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