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Early Years in Chicago, 1974 - 2004:
Writings on Education and Public Safety
by Steve Sewall


2003-2004 Yale and the Modern World Project

1999 Jun 2 Chicago Sun-Times

1998 Jan. 9.  Chicago Reader

  • Grant Pick’s cover story on Austin Voice editor Brad Cummings, Keepin’ It Real: Voices of Marshall High School, co-produced with Chicago Civic Media, describes the paper as having “delighted both the Marshall administration and its student writers and editors.”

1997 Dec. 14.  Chicago Sun-Times

  • Supplied columnist Dennis Byrne with idea for his column, “Taking back streets in Austin,” describing the Austin Drug Area Shutdown program 

1997 Dec. 12.  Chicago Reader

  • Media writer Michael Miner's “Hot Type” column, “Who Killed Marshall High’s Newspaper,” describes this newspaper, co-produced by THE VOICE NEWSPAPERS and Chicago Civic Media, as “a blessing to a troubled school.”

1997 Nov. 25. THE AUSTIN VOICE

  • Wrote front page story, “Thanksgiving Deadline Met for Closing Down Top 10 Austin Dope Sites,”  

1997 Nov. 11. THE AUSTIN VOICE

  • Wrote cover story “Austin’s Top 10 Dope Dealing Shutdown Targets” featuring photos and a large graphic with beat locations and street addresses of 71 Austin drug areas.

1996 Nov. Midwest Radical Scholars Conference.

  • Conducted three taped workshops that were later broadcast on Chicago Access Network (CAN TV)

1996 Chicago Reader

1996 Jul 25 Chicago Sun-Times

1996 Jul 24. Chicago Sun-Times

  •  Op Ed piece, "Media must campaign for true reform," 

1996 Jul Chicago Access TV (CAN TV)

  • Hosted and produced two “Hear Me Now” Cable TV talk shows, 60 minutes and 30 minutes, featuring youth/adult dialogues that aired multiple times on CAN-TV.

1996 Multiple Chicago News Outlets

  • During the Democratic National Convention, secured extensive publicity for CCMP, Student Alliance, and other groups in Chicago Defender, Chicago Sun‑Times, WVON and WGCI radio, and Chicago Access Cable TV.

1995 Oct. 14. Report

1995 Oct. 28. Reuters Information Service

1995 May StreetWise

1994 Sep. 29 Chicago Sun-Times

1994 Sep 7 Chicago Sun-Times

  • Hard Lessons from School Reform, by Dennis Byrne, discusses Chicago Education Network’s (CENter) plans to create an education-centered network of media. Available only as PDF.

1993 Jan-Jun. Monograph

  • 50- page Thorp Elementary School Journal based on my classroom experience in a class of nine 9th-grade students diagnosed as behavior disordered (BD) at this South Side Chicago Public School.

1993 Mar. 23 Chicago Sun-Times

  • Quoted by Dennis Byrne in "Involve Kids in Their Education," Chicago Sun‑Times. Available only as pdf: file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Local/Temp/1993%20Dennis%20Byrne%20Involve%20Kids%20in%20their%20Education%20.pdf

1992   Oct. 21 Academic Presentation 

  • "Modern Criticism and Fielding's Irony," paper presented at annual conference of the Midwestern American Society for Eighteenth‑Century Studies, Toledo, Ohio.

1992 Sep. 19.  Chicago Sun‑Times

1991 Dec. Proposal

  • Primary author of "Chicago Town Meeting," proposal for weekly televised public forums integrating features of the traditional New England Town Meeting and the modern TV talk show.

1991-1992 Nov. Southwest News‑Herald 

1990 Dec.  Chicago Urban League LSC Advocate. 

1990 Nov.  Catalyst: Voices of Chicago School Reform

1989 Sep. 14 Chicago Sun-Times,

1989 Apr. 25 Chicago Sun-Times

1989 Sep. 22  Chicago Sun-Times

1988 Nov. Monograph 

  • Wrote "Education and Economy in the Information Age," 50‑page, privately distributed

1984 Nov. 6  Chicago Tribune

1980 Dec Hopkins School Alumni Magazine

1980 Jul. 25 Chicago Tribune

  • Front-page Sunday column by Jack Mabley, "It's Back to Basics for private school” describing opening of Thomas Jefferson Academy.

1975 Jun 13 Chicago Daily News,

1972 Aug 4, Chicago Reader

  • Inside the Challenge,” on the Singer delegation challenge to Daley delegation at the 1972 Democratic Convenion in Miama, Florida

1972 Jul 21 Chicago Reader

1974 Oct 10, Chicago Daily News

  • Insight" Feature Op Ed "Bold Jackrollers ride CTA" based on two months of late-night rides interviewing conductors, motormen and passengers on the Howard-Jackson/Englewood Red Line.

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